Question: In the Gospel of Luke 9:27 it is written that some who were standing with Jesus would not taste death before they saw the kingdom of God. Did anyone s...
Don’t be overwhelmed by the fool’s challenges
The value system in the world we live in is completely perverted. Perverted by the actions of the foolish who defame the moral standards set by the family, the ...
What does “burning coals” on his head mean?
QUESTION: What does the expression in Romans 12:20 mean, “you will heap burning coals on his head”? In Romans 12:20 the apostle Paul says: “But if y...
Is it biblical for a father to ask for...
Question: Our father made a lot of mistakes against our family, I told him that he should ask for forgiveness, but he said it was not biblical for a father to a...
Who are the descendants of Anak?
Question: Who are the descendants of Anak? The book of Numbers, chapter 13, describes the events of the people of Israel, spying out Canaan, which God ha...
Can you be faithful if you do not go...
Question: Where is it written in the Scriptures that you can not be faithful if you do not go to any church? Do you think the Scripture in the original says ...
How can you hear God’s voice on the Earth?
Question: How can you hear God’s voice on the Earth? The Bible confirms the fact that a person can hear God’s voice on the earth. In the garden of...
What are the limits of tolerance for a Christian?
Question: What are the limits of tolerance for a Christian? What are the limits of tolerance for a Christian? In today’s society one of the abusive words ...
Who is the man of Joshua 5:13-15?
Question: Who is the “man” mentioned in Joshua 5:13-15, “Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, ...
What is the meaning of the phrase “Your Kingdom...
Question: In the Lord’s prayer, the Lord Jesus says, “Your kingdom come”. What does that mean? Does it refer to the fact that the Kingdom of G...
What is the difference between a weak faith and...
Question: What is the difference between a weak faith and a “little faith”? The word “faith” is a key word in the New Testament, regularly used to describe the ...
How to pray when you wish to get a...
Question: How to pray when you wish to get something, very much? Tendency of humans is to get all earthly things settle down at first ,but for the spiritual per...
YES or NO for dating until marriage?
Question: It is well known that today young people date and make friends with the opposite sex before marriage. I know a person whom I like much. I would like t...
Is it a sin to go to the cinema?
Question: Is it a sin to go to the cinema? The Word of God tells us that all things are permitted, but not all are helpul for us (1 Cor.6:12). It is not a sin t...
Is hell endless?
Question: My friend tells me that hell is not endless and that only the righteous people will rise again on the last day while the wicked people will be thrown ...
What earth will inherit the gentle?
Question: In Matthew 5:5 Jesus says: “Happy are the gentle: for the earth will be their heritage.” What land will the gentlecinherit? Those poor in ...
Why those two wayfarers didn’t recognize Jesus Christ?
Question: Why those two wayfarers didn’t recognize Jesus? In the Gospel of Luke 24:13 we find that on the first day of the week, on the resurection day of...
Who suffers in Romans 8:19-23
Question: Who suffers in Romans 8:19-23 Apostle Paul talks about the glory that is to be revealed comparing to the present sufferings. So in vs.18 he says: R...