Interviewee: Father Octavian Moşin Interviewer: Deliu Ludmila D.L. It is already known that evil spirits are evil angels, Satan with his servants, and good spir...
Walking on the road, I accidentally noticed a billboard where it was written: “Your dignity is in your hands! Keep it.” And I thought it was a great message for...
Lately, I have heard more and more how people suffer because of the hardships and troubles in their lives, and for this reason I wanted very much to write somet...
“Now we’re on the trolleybus, nobody knows us here, so we can talk about anything…”. As you can imagine, there is a less than decent discussion, ful...
I always ask myself: what do parents want to offer their children when they decide to go abroad? Some pieces of paper called dollars and euros that can offer pa...
I met Vlad and Peter in Soroca while on a mission with Kingdom’s Kids Ministry. They were also part of this mission, they played games with children, want...
Întrebare: În ultimul timp pe internet se vorbește despre mărturia unei fete din Ecuador pe numele Angelica. Într-un video clip pe youtube ea relatează că a mur...
Vezi în acest articol cum Moldova noastră cea scumpă este vestită peste tot. Mă bucur să văd cum misiunea de la noi ajunge în toată lumea. Domnul să ne ajute ma...
In unele parti ale lumii in zilele noastre duce o lupta impotiva fumatului. Este important sa opreasca fumatul din cauza rezutatelor negative care vin in urma f...