Your dignity is in your hands. Keep it!

Walking on the road, I accidentally noticed a billboard where it was written: “Your dignity is in your hands! Keep it.” And I thought it was a great message for young people. Even though this panel is 40 km from Chisinau.

Today I was talking to a young lady and I found out her opinion about sexual relations before marriage. She believes that this is a good experience for the future and in choosing a life partner. She added: if you do not take advantage of this experience you will become a “white crow” and everyone will laugh at you, because you are not modern like them or because you do not know true pleasure.

Statements of this kind are heard among young people at every step. Today we live in a society where sex is widespread! But with this pleasure, sin knocks on your door. Because if you saw it, you craved it in your heart. But in the Proverbs of Solomon 4:23 we see that we must “guard our hearts more than anything, for out of it flow the wellsprings of life. ”

Let’s look at some examples: when we watch TV or search for some information on the Internet, a pornographic image suddenly appears or with a provocative message that puts desire in your heart. That is why many young people get burned, poisoned and even overloaded to the end. God says to guard our hearts, to be pure in thought and deeds, for out of it come the springs of life. If you are obsessed with pornography, what do you think? Do you have a pure heart? What spring flows out of it? …

Another example would be billboards with indecent images. Sometimes you ask yourself, what does this advertise – tights, clothes or her body?! Instead, they should put up signs with a meaningful message such as, “Keep your country clean” or “Don’t let your parents become beggars.”

There are also magazines that draw attention with provocative images or titles that guarantee you answers to the most relevant questions.

We live in a tempting world where we become the prey of hunters. Yes, it is difficult to give up temptations. But the Lord Jesus died on the cross for us to be without sin, clean and holy before Him. Let us keep our purity because it is given by God.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24). So, be careful! “Your dignity is in YOUR HANDS – Keep it! ” So that on the day of your wedding you can become one with your husband or wife. God bless you .

Translated by Didina Vicliuc