We were all shocked by the latest tragic events in our country. Last week’s murders showed us once again what permissive legislation we have. When a crime is quickly overlooked, human life has virtually no value in a country that still wants to be Christian. Punishment is an imperative, it is necessary. The fact that in one week we have more deaths due to jealousy or other misunderstandings shows us once again what a fragile society we have.
Those who committed such tragedies are young people who certainly had other plans than to commit horrific crimes. The problem of evil in the country is not of today or yesterday. It is since we as a people have become comfortable and we have easily overlooked any bad fact in our country. It doesn’t matter as long as someone in our family isn’t affected. But who does not guarantee that this evil will not reach me or you? If even now in the 12th hour we do not wake up as a nation, we will reap such consequences for many years ahead.
As a society, we must in the most vehement way protest until we see harsh laws that stop and discourage any seed of evil in this society. I know it’s a long road, but if we care about the society we live in, we have to.
Young girls aged 22-25 are shot by young people who believe that gun and violence is a sign of power. All this sinister image makes me think that those who lead us are not very interested in having a harsher law for evil doers. I did not hear the first person in the state, neither in the previous government nor in the present, to comment in any way or to take specific legislative steps in this regard.
Yes, I agree, the new government has many problems to solve, but I strongly believe that human life, its protection, and the punishment of evil must be an emergency. It is no longer possible to continue in this way. I know that when you approach the issue of the death penalty, many jump to the defense of the culprit, but forget about the victim. And then, evil is actually encouraged and not discouraged.
The death penalty has been practiced in almost every state in the world and is now applied in many of them, including the United States and Japan. Capital punishment has always been an emotional issue that excites the passions of the public, especially when crimes are committed with particular cruelty.
In Moldova, the law that provided for the death penalty was abolished in 2006. People have divided opinions about this law, which has not been applied in our country for fifteen years, but this issue seems to be brought up to date precisely because human life is priceless.
I invite you to read three articles previously published on this site that address the biblical perspective on the death penalty:
- Abolishing the death penalty means nullifying the value of human life
- Premeditated murder on the European Day of the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- The Value of Human Life (Genesis 9: 4-6)
Because man is made in the image and likeness of God, because he bears the image of God, human life has a very high value which cannot be paid for with any kind of money and wealth. The price of the life taken can only be paid with the price of the life of the one who took it. God is the one who gave life and He demands that its price be respected. He does not lower the value of life at all.
The evil is that people have come to completely lower that value, to cancel it, to put no price on the life of their neighbor. That’s why we have the crimes we have. It is time to wake up, if we care about the future of our children, and to ask evil to be severely punished and discouraged in the face of any such action or intentions. And let’s not forget the truth, the country and society that leaves the killer unpunished will suffer serious consequences.
Translated by Nicoleta Filat