What to do when the Catholic husband wants our 8-years-old child to receive the First Communion?


My husband is a Catholic and in their church when children are 8 years old they receive the First Communion. This occasion is an important feast in the church. I know that the Bible does not teach this and I do not agree for my child to receive the first Communion at 8 years without being in the covenant with the Lord Jesus. Advise me how to do right!

Talk to your spouse

Because the child belongs to both of you and you love him equally, it is important to have a talk with your husband without the participation of the child or of anyone else and to present your husband the beliefs that you have from the Holy Scriptures and the importance of being in the New Covenant of those who receive the Lord’s Supper. In this way, you will have the opportunity to present your husband the message of the Gospel, the importance of the New Covenant and the significance of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). Whatever the response of your husband is, it is important to …

Talk with your child too

Try to explain him simply and clearly, from the Holy Scriptures, that the Lord’s Supper is the sign of the covenant left by the Savior for those who will enter the New Covenant and pay attention to the fact that the child should enter into this covenant through repentance. Do not talk to him about the differences and different views that you and your husband have on this subject or that a church is right and another one is not. Try to help the child understand what is the New Covenant and how one can enter it. Also explain the child what means receiving the Lord’s Supper.

If nothing changes

The discussion with your husband and with the child is the part that have to do. If nothing changes and the husband insists that the child receive the First Communion at 8 years, you have no choice but accept the decision of your spouse and pray for the salvation of the child and of the husband, to proclaim them the Gospel and to tell the child the sound doctrine of God’s Word. For this I recommend you to find the exceptional Bible study books for children as “Wrong Way, Jonah!”, “Lord, teach me to pray” and others like them.

Translated by Felicia Rotaru