What book should you start reading from the Bible?


How is it good and where can I start reading the Bible to understand it correctly? Personally, I would like in the future to live a pleasant life in God’s eyes and not for my own pleasure. I pray that I can understand, but I would like for you to give me the map where to go because I’m busy!

For some, it might seem a strange question, and they will hurry to answer: “Well, how do you get started? You should start reading from the beginning to the end … “Well, it’s not that simple. The Bible is a library of 66 books that have been written for 1600 years. The Bible is divided into two large parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. There are 39 books in the Old Testament that were written before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth. The New Testament contains 27 books. The first four are the gospels or biographies of Jesus written by the apostles. Then follows the book “The Acts of the Apostles”, which is the history of the appearance of the Christian Church. Then there are epistles, the letters that were addressed by the apostles to churches or individuals.The last book is Revelation – a prophetic book that describes the latest events in the future of the mankind.

I advise you to start reading the New Testament. Read carefully the New Testament from the beginning. Whenever you don’t know certain people (such as Solomon, David, Abraham, etc.) to which it refers,  you can use a Bible encyclopedia, seek out a pastor, talk to a believer you know, or search on this website. After reading the New Testament, read the Old Testament. Then start studying book after book, but keep the discipline of reading the Bible from the beginning to the end, for …

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.(2 Timothy 3:16-17)(NASB)

Begin today to study the Bible and keep this discipline for the rest of your life. May God help you.

Translated by Ina Croitoru