“They were golden boys! He was a very good boy! We will remember you! He was a true friend! I’m sorry, they were young! You will always be in our souls! Condolences to the Zghibarţă, Timofti, and Dubălari families!” These days I have heard these statements more than ever. These days have brought so much pain in the hearts of many families, friends, teachers, colleagues. These days we stopped once more to take a deep breath and ask ourselves over and over again, “What is life?” These days I lost a former classmate, Eugen Zghibarţă, who lost his life, together with two other friends of his in a tragic car accident. The pain imprinted in the hearts and faces of parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors causes you to stop running aimlessly and to really think about life. “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away,” said the Apostle James in his Epistle (4:14 NASB). So we say, looking at the lives of these three. Many said it was ruthless what had happened – at just 19 – they had their whole lives ahead of them.
It is so hard for me and my heart aches when I see young people, friends, colleagues carried away by the wave of pleasures, drunkenness, amusements and passions, stating that they have their whole life before they think of God, of reality, of eternity, of life itself. And yet, how hard it is to say that we still need such hard lessons to stop immediately, wake up and return to the relationship with the Creator, with parents, with friends…
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life,” (John 3:16 NASB). This is the ideal condition to restore the relationship with the Creator and to live justly and beautifully on this earth. Robert Byrne said, “The purpose of life is a purposeful life.”
Only a right relationship with God can give meaning to your life and fulfill it with joy, happiness, love, and blessing.
We live in times when things are reversed in many areas of life. Today, there are more cases when parents bury their children than vice versa. No matter what the order, it is good to put our families first.” They don’t need roses at the grave,” said the words of a song. Offer attention, interest, and listening today. I remember someone saying, “I’m ready to give my life for my wife now, but it’s so hard for me to die every day from small misunderstandings and give in.” Learn to value your family on time, not when it’s too late!
The friend is the one who knows the song of your heart and can sing it to you when you have forgotten the words. If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or just slap them on the shoulder, rejoice, you will never feel alone. Make time for your friends, in order of priority, because there are young people who forget about family and invest more time in friends. Say today “I love you, I care about you, thank you for your friendship!” Because the right time is TODAY.
Alfred Souza said: “For a long time I had the impression that my life would begin soon, my true life! But I always had difficulties to face, always something to solve, a confusion that required time, debts still unresolved. After that, life would have begun. Finally, I understood that these obstacles are life.” The happiness and joys of life are not the journey’s destination, they are the journey. So, travel happily, having a right and beautiful relationship with God, family, friends, and everyone around you.
Translated by Olya Trikolich