Nowadays it is very important and necessary for each priest to create a personal blog or a blog for the church he leads. Here are some reasons:
1. Preaching. Each priest prepares the sermons that he is going to preach to his church and usually, after he has preached, he never comes back to that message and doesn’t put it in written form so that people can turn and re-read it. It is very easy to post the sermons on a blog and they are available any time for the people from the church, but at the same time for the people from all around the world.
2.Counseling. People come to the priest to receive advice for difficult situations that are met in their families, at their work, in relationships, etc. Through a blog the priest can describe these specific situations and the way how to get out of them. So, these advice will be a profit for the people from the church or from other churches or from exterior. The readers of the blog can initiate disscussions for comments or it can be created a forum for discussions on the blog.
3.Advertising. Since it has been created a commnunity of people who visit the blog, it is very easy to announce quickly and efficiently concerning the activities that exist and that appear from now on in the church. The portal Moldova Creștină is very efficient in regard to this.
4.Evangelism. Daily people look for useful and less useful information on Internet. If we present the Gospel through actual events or through other activities where we are implied in, people will visit our site and know the Gospel. For example, after I have published a short video lesson about drawing a table in Microsoft Word, a lady, who is a teacher, called us and wanted to find out more about teaching computers through Bible, but especially she wanted to find out about God. How good it will be if every Christian has such a site where he can present the Gospel through his daily activities. A good example can be my son’s blog, David, who is only 10 years old, but presents all that he finds out through the Gospel. Jesus Christ teaches us to be wise and to start a talk at every opportunity and subject, to spread the Gospel, in the same way He did with the Samaritan woman.
5.Nonstop. No priest can preach or advise or do any other ministry nonstop. But if you place all your resources on Internet in your personal blog, people can see it always, at any hour from day or night. Here is a practical application of the advice that Apostle Paul has given to Timothy:
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season… (2 Timothy 4:1–2)(NASB)
6.Everywhere. Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus Christ said to His disciples:
but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to he remotest part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)(NASB)
Only God is omnipresent and can be at the same time in every place. This thing is impossible to men. Above, in the verse, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples that He wants their witness to be spread to the remotest part of the earth. Techology Internet gives the possibility to Christians and priests to share their testimony at the same time in every place. People can access your blog whenever and wherever they are. Don’t pass over this unique opportunity.
7.Simple. The procedure of creating a simple blog is very simple. Open and follow 3 steps that are required to create a blog. If you want to create one like this where you read this article, it is a little bit more complicated, but it is not impossible and if you ask for advice or help, we will help you.
8.For free. Internet abounds in free opportunities to open a personal blog.
9.Communication. Through the blog you can have a good and permanent communication with the members of the chuch you are leading, but also with all those who will create a community around your blog. You can tell them all that you want and they can communicate with you through comments or through the aticles they are publishing.
10.Co-operation. Since you have a blog, at any moment you can open accounts for other users, members from your church or other priests and in this way you will co-operate together at the preaching of the Gospel. You yourself can create accounts on other blogs and contribute with your articles, comments, etc.
Take notice of these reasons and hurry up to create a personal blog or a church’s blog and to spread the Kingdom of God through blogging. Christians have to use Internet to spread the Kingdom of God. Priests must teach and motivate Christians for this ministry.
Translated by Djugostran Felicia