It is very essential to know the differences between men and women if we want to fulfill the role we have from God and behave correctly with the opposite sex. I want to present you in this message the differences God put at creation between man and woman. But, let us firstly at…
1. The characteristics men and women have in common
The first book of the Bible – Genesis, describes how God created the man and the woman. All descriptions from this text refer to both man and woman. Most world religions set the woman on a lower position. This is a consequence of man’s fall into sin, because the Word of God says that both man and woman have the same Creator – God. Both man and woman were created according to the same pattern, in God’s “own image and according to His likeness” . God communicated with the man as with the woman and He gave them the same commandments, that had to be fulfilled by both of them, they were: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth”. Man and woman received the same food from God. As you see, woman is not inferior than man in no way and she is not less qualitative than him, because God said about both of them at the end of the chapter that “all was very good”. When a man knows and admits these truths in his heart he will treat his wife respectfully and he will honor her properly. The lack of knowledge of these things brings scorn, oppression and discord. God gave us the same fundamental characteristics that set our value before God and we have to appreciate them reciprocally. At the same time, men are created differently than women and this thing is presented to us on the pages of the Holy Scriptures.
2. Specific characteristics of men
The second chapter from Genesis presents the creation of the man, woman and of the first family on this earth in details. After man was created by God, he was put into the Garden of Eden to cultivate and to keep it. But God said that it “is not good for the man to be alone” to bear this responsibility. He needed a helper suitable for him. God brought all living creatures to man, and he named all of them, but none of them was suitable for man. When woman was created and God brought her to him, he rejoiced greatly and he gave her his name, because he identified himself with her. The Hebrew word for man is “ish”. Adam named the woman “isha”. As you see, he gave her exactly the same name he had, because he saw that she was bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. One of the characteristics set by God specific for men, is to take the initiative to build up and maintain the relations for future. Here is God’s conclusion at the end of this chapter: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24). Every man has to learn this truth regarding man’s initiative since his childhood, because nowadays, most men don’t show initiative, don’t build up relations and don’t maintain them. They don’t realize the importance of protecting and providing for their family. Understanding the message of the Bible will help women appreciate and encourage men’s initiative.
3. Specific characteristics of women
This passage presents the woman as the one who answers man’s initiative, receives her husband join to her and become one flesh. God says that the woman is a “weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7) than man. And because she is a weaker vessel, she needs a wise treatment and honor from her husband.
How shall you appreciate the full value put by God into your partner? How can you be a man that shows initiative? If you are a woman, how can you encourage and teach your sons, brothers be men of initiative? How shall you encourage and keep the initiative of your husband? Do you know how to behave wisely with your wife and to honor her as a weaker vessel? You can learn all these things in a very practical way studying the course “Marriage without regrets”.
Translated by Felicia Djugostran