Interview with Marina Suellau – a missionary from Germany

Marina Sulla and amplification station tractors

What motivated you to move to Moldova?

This is a long story that began in 1996. Since I repented I had a big heart for children who are vulnerable and lonely and I remember that I often prayed during that time that the Lord would give me those that nobody wants.
Also I knew that I would be missionary one day and so I asked the Lord one morning in 1998 when I woke up: “Lord, what country will I go?” To this question He immediately answered me by a voice in my heart: “Moldova” This was surprisingly too and this confirmed me that it was God who spoke to me, because then I did not know what or where Moldova was. Over the next 8 years He prepared me for Moldova, during that time I graduated my pedagogy studies, I worked in various orphanages from Germany and I went on a year mission trip in London, when the Lord again spoke to me clearly: “I send you to the forgotten children from Moldova” So I arrived in Moldova in 2006 for this mission.

What activity do you have in Moldova?

After a year working with poor child sponsorship program in Moldova in 2008 I started going on different projects with children as: boarding school no. 2 from Chisinau, auxiliary boarding school from Straseni, “Esther’s House” daily center from in Valcinet, “Bunvolentia” orphanage from Cojusna and Sunday School of the Baptist Church from Cojusna, where I tell children about Jesus. The main point for me is to sing with children. All children love to sing, because it opens their hearts to Jesus. The songs that they learn they will remember for all their life and they will remind them about Jesus when they will be ready to follow Him in their lives.

Machine for the evangelization of children

Only during the summer holidays, besides visiting projects we organized ”festivals for children” together with Christians from Switzerland who wanted to tell children about Jesus. We went with a car of evangelism through different villages of Moldova and for two days we were playing with children, singing, telling Bible stories, etc. and telling them about JesusFrom the Swiss we got a car of evangelism for permanent use in Moldova, and therefore every Saturday and during holidays we can organize such festivals, which are now called “Kids Express”. For this service we need permanent volunteers, who wish to serve the forgotten children from Moldova.

Swiss children are missing car in Moldova

What do you want to accomplish in Moldova?

My goal for Moldova is to tell all children about God, who loves everyone, the poorest and the youngest, so that these children will be blessed with His love, through His Word and Holy Spirit. By this they can get a new vision of the world and through Jesus they will have courage and strength to rise from their poverty and to change the country.

Translated by Felicia Rotaru