How to make a graduation speech?

At the graduation ceremony of the high school, gymnasium or college, a student is always invited, who stood out during their studies, to present a closing speech. If you have the honor to say this speech, I want to give you some short tips in this article that I think you will find useful:

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  1. Think carefully that this is the best opportunity to show gratitude to the teachers, parents, administration and all those who have contributed to your success and to all those who graduate and on whose behalf you will speak.
  2. It is good in the closing speech to mention concrete cases, sparkles, beautiful facts that have contributed to the quality of your studies and that cannot be forgotten or left unappreciated.
  3. Don’t just talk about general phrases or quotes from somewhere, because now on the Internet you can find ready-made graduation speeches made by someone.  Speak from the heart and tell real facts.
  4. Don’t turn your graduation speech into a sermon and don’t be long. Stay on topic and just on topic.
  5. Speak on behalf of all students and make sure you speak to all teachers.

I also had the honor of giving the closing speech on behalf of the 2004 class of the Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest. The event took place at the Baptist church in Curtici. In my closing remarks, I appreciated the teachers’ emphasis on acquiring Bible knowledge and researching the Holy Scriptures. Another thing I mentioned was the appreciation and support I had from the teachers in the work we each do in the gospel, and I mentioned that when we were going a few days before the end of the session, we asked Dr. Vasile Talpoș’s brother, who was rector at the time, to examine us ahead of time. He understood the urgent need that arose and one day with great warmth traveled a long way from Sibiu to Bucharest so that he could examine us and then blessed us when we went on a mission to another country.

Translated by Olya Trikolich