Hospitality and welcoming guests – the honor of the Christian

Last year, all the restrictions related to the pandemic seemed to force us to close the doors of our homes and discouraged us from showing hospitality. In this context, the reception of guests can be seen by some as a burden, but in fact it is a great honor that we have as children of God. A quote on this subject reads as follows: 

“The secret weapon for advancing the gospel is hospitality, and you can practice it whether you live in a house, an apartment, a home, or a hill. The world could use ordinary Christians who open their ordinary lives so that others can see what life looks like in the light of the gospel.”

“He presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a person took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all the other seeds, but when it is fully grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32 NASB)

Jesus said that in His kingdom “the least of all seeds” will have a far greater lasting impact than expected. In the same way, the smallest things in our lives — ordinary days, meals, and homes — can have a much greater impact than you would ever imagine when they were capitalized on with the intentionality of the gospel. Throughout history, God has constantly initiated the relationship with people. He is a gracious host, constantly receiving fickle sinners who deserve His wrath — a people whose only hope is that He will show them undeserved hospitality.” God calls us to sit at the table with Him, to have an open relationship that He calls us to as a continual feast. A relationship and an atmosphere of joy and abundance that is due only to His presence! As His children, every time we practice hospitality, we follow in the footsteps of our hospitable God.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20 NASB)

God forms a hospitable people in Christians to show his hospitality, and if you are in Christ, you are now part of God’s hospitable people. Hospitality does not mean fun, but involvement. In this way we can learn about the needs of those around us and get directly involved in making God and His undeserved Grace known to every human being. 

“contributing to the needs of the holy ones (God’s people, saints), practicing hospitality”.(Romans 12:13 NASB)

We are urged to use our homes to be micro-representations of that final feast table – places where believers gather around the table that God has mercifully offered, celebrating the fact that God has brought us to Himself and opened His heaven to all who are far from Him. Let us become tireless, welcoming guests constantly because we are constantly welcomed in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

“Be hospitable among yourselves, without murmurings.”  (1 Peter 4:9 NASB)

Translated by Nicoleta Filat