Five years ago, Vasile Filat, the founder of the site, published the site’s first article. Since then, every single day there have been new article added, articles full of advice, encouragement, counseling, and teaching for many, many readers.
This site offers many possibilities:
- Biblical answers for life
- Articles written in 5 different languages
- Comments
- Sin confession
- Live chat
- Questions answered
- Subscription
Each reader has been able to benefit from the content of this site, according to his or her specific needs. Personally, I am thankful for all of the articles because they help explain the Holy Scriptures as well as rightly divide (explain) Biblical truth.
Here are some of the people who have benefited from this site (a few testimonies):
“… I want you to notice the joy in my heart because I have a beautiful little girl and God helped my husband accept the child when I was about 3 months pregnant. She is our life and we understand God’s plan perfectly. He has demonstrated His love to us through this baby girl Jasmin! Thank you very much for your advice and that you responded and helped me in the midst of my pain. Thank God that He gave me strength to overcome this trial. “
“I started reading the Bible and various websites, including this one, where I learned how to fight against specific sins. I asked Jesus to release me from the bondage of sin and through His Holy BLOOD to forgive and heal me. After some time, the Lord delivered me and I did not even realize it. I woke up a new person and I have not fallen back into the sin of masturbation or pornography. Glory to God! May the Lord bless this SITE FOR THIS VICTORY!
There are many, many more testimonies that I could share but these are enough. I want to thank our dear teacher, Vasile Filat, for all of his hard work and dedication. Congratulations.
Translation by: Erik Brewer