I read many articles from this site, but I haven’t found the answer to my question yet. Maybe it is in an article, but I did not find it. Many people who I think are saved, judging from their life, and that they are missionaries say that salvation can’t be lost once you received it. But I know that salvation can be lost. What’s your opinion about this?
The subject about salvation and its assurance caused many discussions throughout the history of the church and it continues nowadays. Lots of articles have been written and many discussions have been held on both sides of the dispute, but the subject hasn’t been clarified and today it seems to be hotter than ever.
Although salvation is the central subject of the Bible, we do not find it to be addressed the way it is presented in your question, and we do not find a short answer to this subject that can be explained in one article.
If you want to know about the assurance of your salvation simply by studying the opinions of both sides, you will be tempted to accept one and condemn the other with too much subjectivity and preconception.
It is more correct to do a personal Bible study and to find out God’s plan for our salvation on your own. And when you will know the exact plan as it is written in the Bible, you will be able to analyze the opinions of those who say that salvation can be lost as well as those of the people who say that salvation can’t be lost
In most Baptist, Pentecostal or other evangelical churches, you will hear diverse opinions about the loss of salvation. May God keep us far from quarrels and disputes that can bring disorder among the saints. I know churches where the problem of salvation was addressed prior to other questions and caused conflicts and sorrow, even led to the division of the church. It shouldn’t be that way. The mature Christians know how to listen and hold discussions on this subject without danger for the union of church and the work of the Gospel. The apostle Paul wrote the following about different opinions that we have in church:
Let us therefore, as many as are mature, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you; however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained. (Philippians 3:15-16)
So let us respect other people’s opinions and stay away from any discussions that can bring disorder and stop the furtherance of the Gospel.
I suppose that you wanted to know my opinion about the loss of salvation. As you see, I did not express it out of the reasons I’ve already mentioned in this article.
When the ex-bishop of the Baptist Union from Russia, Yurii Sipko, was asked at a large reunion of pastors what he thinks about the loss of salvation, he put them one question: ” Is there anyone here who is not sure of his salvation? ”. The answer was unanimously – NO. ” Then, he said, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
Another example happened to an ex-general secretary of the European Baptist Federation. When asked what he thinks about the loss of salvation, he answered: ” when I wake up in the morning, I am a Calvinist (those who believe that salvation can’t be lost), when evening comes, I am an Arminian (those who believe that salvation can be lost).
At the Precept Institute of the Inductive Bible Study in Chisinau we have a session on Bible doctrines, where we study the course ”the Covenant” which is a key subject in understanding God’s plan for our salvation and the connection between the teachings of the New and Old Testaments. If you are interested, feel free to contact us +(373)69966779.
The assurance of our salvation is a very broad topic and can’t be covered in one article. Every believer must make personal efforts to study the Bible and understand God’s plan of salvation, but pastors, preachers and teachers of the Word have the duty to help and teach people from the Bible to be healthy in faith and not to be deceived by those who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness.