Women have such a big impact on the lives of each of us: Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Educator, First Teacher and the list goes on. Special women who, through their presence, through their lives, make a difference in the place where they are, in their relationships with people: women with influence. We want to see as many pleasant women as possible who grow up and educate children together with their husbands, who form a healthy generation and who lead a beautiful life before men and before God. But how can you be such a woman? What qualities can make you special?
She knows the value of God’s Word
”For You created my innermost parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:13-14 NASB)
A woman who knows that she was created by God in a wonderful way will live according to this knowledge, will know her great value in God’s eyes and will be satisfied with the way she looks, her height, the color of her eyes. She understands that she is a wonderful creature and will experience peace in the midst of a society that dictates the standards of artificial beauty. The woman who knows God as her Creator will not underestimate herself, but will receive with gentleness and gratitude the way she was created.
She has done nobly
In everyday situations we often see women shouting mischievously, speaking inappropriate words, violently closing store doors and showing indifference and malice. These women have not done nobly. The original word ,,excellent,, in Proverbs 31:10 “An excellent wife, who can find her? For her worth is far above jewels,” has a sense of nobility, courage, dignity, power, in a beautiful way. All these qualities are contained in the “excellent” term. How beautifully the houses of our country would be adorned if women were “excellent” as the Word of God says! A special woman is a woman who has an excellent life, pure before God and before people, and her value is much greater than that of jewels!!!
She is an example to her children
,,She opens her mouth in wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She watches over the activities of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and bless her” (Proverbs 31:26-28a NASB)
First of all, children’s education starts with the sound teaching you give them and the way you watch what is happening in your home. The pleasing woman takes care of her children and provides them with an atmosphere of joy at home, the perfect place where she can give direction from the Holy Scriptures to her children. Children who have such a mother see her happiness and recognize her influence in their lives. Just as Timothy’s grandmother and mother taught him the Holy Scriptures from his childhood, a mother who fears the Lord will appreciate every moment and opportunity to direct them to God in their growth process through her example of living in the fear of the Lord. By doing this, you show children the source of happiness in life.
”How blessed are those who maintain justice, who practice righteousness at all times!” (Psalm 106:3 NASB)
She manages her house well
Even if housework has been made much easier by modern technologies, the woman remains the main motor that makes things go smoothly, from the dishes washed to the beautifully laid beds and the food prepared deliciously. She is the reason why a house is a nest in which all family members return with pleasure. She makes sure that all the things work and can accumulate, manage, arrange, steer, lead, direct, save, organize and solve everything related to the house and good housekeeping.
”She surrounds her waist with strength and makes her arms strong. She senses that her profit is good; Her lamp does not go out at night.” (Proverbs 31:17-18 NASB)
It is extremely important for a woman to take care of her family in the way that only she can do, without taking her husband’s place in making decisions and without assuming the role that belongs to her husband or father in the house.
She is the glory of her husband
In her role as wife, the woman must be the glory of the man, that is, as wives we have the role of showing a correct opinion about our husband, a proper image. So, the way a woman will behave, will make a good image (or not) of her husband’s name, and vice versa.
”The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil, all the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:11-12 NASB)
”Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.” (Proverbs 31:23 NASB)
A wife can do good to her husband and give more value to the authority he has through the respect and honor she gives to her husband. She does not undermine his authority, but accentuates it by the behavior and reverence she treats him with.
”For a man should not have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.” (1 Corinthians 11:7 NASB)
What a beautiful role God has given us, to be the glory of our husband, to represent him and to be with him in decisions, in all circumstances of life being a suitable helper. The secret of an extraordinary woman does not consist in her outward adornments, but in the loving heart with which she fulfills her role, of daughter, wife, mother… It is not our career, our studies, our possessions, or our abilities, but the presence of God in our lives that makes us special. A pleasant and wise woman can make her house a flourishing spring continuously because God is the One who leads her and she trusts Him. May the Lord help us to be called pleasing women, both in our homes and in society!
Translated by Liza Birladeanu