Can you marry when you do not meet the demands?


I would like to know what to do if the girl wants to lead me on a way, which I am not willing to follow. She has some demands for her future husband, which I do not meet, but she says she loves me. I live an uncertainty: can a relationship get there when one of the partners is always told that nothing is certain and that she will marry only the person that accepts her way? It is true that her way is good, but it is too extreme.

Can you marry when you do not meet the demands?You should not marry

Such a relationship will not get there.If both of you do not have the same purpose, this will be the apple of discord all your life and none of you will be fulfilled. And if one sees the blemishes of the other one and can not accept them in marriage, the more you should not get married, because this is not the necessary love in a marriage.

When you really fall in love with someone, you do not see any blemish of that person.Here’s how Solomon said about Sulamith in the Song of Solomon:

You are altogether beautiful, my darling, and there is no blemish in you. (Song of Solomon 4:7)(NASB)

When you love – you admire

The person who loves you with the love of God will accept you, and you will admire you the way you are.That person you can marry.

Check your character

On the other hand, you must ask yourself whether you are a man or a woman who can found a marriage and who can meet the responsibilities of the family life.Is your character the one that will make your future husband or wife happy?

Translated by Felicia Rotaru