Our team will be traveling from North Carolina to teach at English for a New Life Camp.
Our members include the following:
Reagan Davis, age 16, 1st time in Moldova and out of the United States!
Dave Johnson also 1st time in Moldova, recently retired with 31 years in the Air Force.
Paul Johnson, age 21, 2nd time in Moldova.
Adam Johnson, age 25, 2nd time in Moldova.
Sarah Johnson, age 18, 3rd time in Moldova.
Susan Johnson, team leader, 3rd time in Moldova.
Our team started training in January. We spent much time in prayer as to the Lord’s calling on our lives and also do monthly mission specific lessons and team building skills. We have also met weekly and studied both Bible studies for the summer – “God, Are You There?” and “Jesus – Awesome Power, Awesome Love.” Both are on the book of John which has been so much fun preparing to come teach. We have also worked together doing fundraising and the Lord has provided in His awesome way for us to bring these Bible studies to put in your hands! Everyone is excited to share what the Lord shows us in these incredible and exciting studies!
Below are testimonies from team members who served last summer at EFNL.
Paul graduated college last summer with a degree in Culinary Management. He currently is a chef at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC, and is also pursuing his Master’s Degree in Business. Paul was tremendously impacted last year during his first EFNL camp. He has chosen to spend his only 2 weeks allowed from work for vacation to return to Moldova this summer.
Last year, I felt truly blessed to have the opportunity to come to Moldova and help teach English at the EFNL Camp. I met so many great young people who were not only enthusiastic about learning and improving their English but also on fire for God! I’m so excited to come back this year for new experiences and new lessons to be learned!
Adam holds Associate of Arts and Licensed Practical Nursing degrees. Last summer was Adam’s first trip to Moldova where he served not only at EFNL but also in a week long day camp and attended the Missions Festival.
Not only did I teach English last year, I also was able to witness the miraculous effects that studying God’s Word has on those who seek the truth in its pages. Teaching English to EFNL students made me pause often and ensure that my communication with campers was accurate and comprehensible, which is how each of us should handle the truths we learn in the Bible. As much as I could brag about my abilities, I must give credit to God for how He moved in the lives of the campers. It was a humbling experience to see young people who were so eager to learn something new each day.
Sarah is just now graduating high school although this will be her 3rd year in Moldova. She will start college in the fall pursuing double majors in Missiology and English as a Second Language. After her first trip to Moldova in 2013, the Lord told her on the flight back to the United States to change her career plans. He called her to become a full time missionary.
This summer will be my third time in Moldova. Each year excites me more and more to come back to meet everyone of you. I love every part of EFNL but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be when I get to sit down with someone outside of class and listen to what they’ve learned. I’ve seen the eagerness to learn and the passion for the Word of God in their eyes! Someone once told me they thought it was great I went to encourage and teach people; I told them all of you encourage and teach me! I love all of you so much!!!!
Susan has been a trained Precept leader since 1993. She is the mother of 3 sons, 1 daughter, 1 daughter-in-law, and 1 granddaughter. Her passion is to disciple others in the Word of God. The Lord put the Eurasian area on her heart back in 1993 so it was an awesome blessing when the doors opened for her to start serving 3 years ago.
The summer of 2014, I was able to spend 32 days in the beautiful country of Moldova. I was able to see the Lord’s work through village ministry, EFNL, and at the Missions Festival. Last summer, my group at EFNL touched my heart in so many ways. We had a brother and sister who has some medical disabilities but struggled daily to study God’s Word. The rest of our group came alongside them with encouragement, assistance, and understanding. Another camper, who was truly disengaged the first couple of days, started seeing the Light of Jesus in our studies. At the end of camp, he shared how he was without hope when he came to EFNL then through our studies the Lord showed Him salvation. He left the camp as a new believer and knowing he had hope in the Lord. I love seeing the transformation of students during camp and was deeply moved on a daily basis last year watching the Lord work. I am eager to return this summer and encourage individuals to come….taste and see that the Lord is good. I am praying for you and love you all.
We invite all of you at English For a New Life Camp from July 15 to 25, 2015. You can register here. Contact us at info@precept.md or +37369966779 for more details.