The teachers and the graduates of the Inductive Bible Study Institute from Moldova will study the next session in Romania (Surduc, the 5-16 of October 2015)

The second level session of the Inductive Bible Study Institute from Moldova in which was planned to study the course ”How to study a difficult biblical subject?” will not be in Chișinău in the period of 2-11 of January 2016. All the teachers and the graduates from Moldova are invited to study this session under the leadership of Mia and Costel Oglice at Precept Ministries Eurasia Centre close to Lake Surduc, România, in the period of 5-6 October 2015.


 The Inductive Bible Study Institute from Eurasia began its activity in 1997 and now it counts 80 branches in different countries. Precept Ministries International Mission was influenced by Jack and Kay Arthur in 1970 and it activates in 150 countries where there are offered materials for deep Bible study and training in 70 languages.

In Chișinău, in the period 2-11 of January 2016 will be the session Growth of the Church which I will be glad to teach. This is a session for pastors and for all the Institute students. I invite you to study together the Epistle of Philippians and principles for growing the church.

For subscription at every of these sessions and for more additional information contact us on the phone 069966779 or on the email.