It is already the third year since the Faculty of Mission through Information Technologies has started to activate within the Inductive Bible Study Institute of Moldova. I founded this faculty in order to equip the servants of the Gospel to use information technologies for evangelism, discipleship and mission. Today, Monday, February 15, the seventh session began and the teacher Arthur Boicu teaches Paul’s first Epistle to the Thessalonians and Evolution program for Linux (the equivalent of Outlook for Windows).
Most of the participants apply the knowledge gained teaching sessions to other students in weekly groups or seminars. Thus, 50 students from Moldova, along with 25 others from the group in Taraclia lead 23 groups with 359 students and they taught 16 seminars where they taught various computer programs to 294 people .
So far, this work took place in 16 localities in the country, but there were also taught 26 seminars in other 11 countries in which 335 people have studied. Some of the students of this faculty have been invited to teach Computer Science in public schools and are highly appreciated there. Artur Boicu, their teacher, also went to different places to teach seminars and is willing to go further. You can contact him if you want to invite him to make such a seminar there where you live.
I want to introduce some prayer requests related to this ministry of evangelism and discipleship through information technology:
- Pray for the students who came to the session to learn quickly and well everything and be able to share their knowledge with others.
- Pray that each of them can form Bible study groups and have opportunities to share with others the knowledge related computer gained at the session.
- Pray for the big need for computers than we have for this faculty.
- Pray for fitting a DVD with the computer lessons for 7th grade that I made up and placed on the portal last year and so that we may multiply this DVD and distribute a copy to each teacher of computers in Moldova.
- Pray that God will raise a team of collaborators whom I will teach and then they will do video Computer courses for 8th,9th,10th,11th and 12th grades using examples from the Bible, according to the pattern for the 7th grade.
Translated by Felicia Rotaru