Twenty years ago, God through his Holy Spirit, began to work in Moldova, among the sportsmen who entered the New Covenant with Jesus Christ. Becoming His disciples, they began using sport and inductive Bible study to preach the Gospel. Only within Taekwon-Do Club “Stolas Leukas” over the past 14 years, more than 21 thousand children, adolescents and young people have studied at least one Bible study course. Many of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, were baptized and became members of the church. 54 students are holders of the black belt, and most of them have devoted themselves to the ministry through sport, making disciples of Christ in Moldova and other countries around the world. God has blessed us with excellent results in sports and our sportsmen became double and triple world champions. At all these championships God opened wide doors for the Gospel and gave us the confidence to proclaim Him. At the Taekwon-Do World Championship 2011 in Pyongyang, DPRK, where 120 countries participated, a team from our club represented Moldova and Alexei Tentiuc became the world champion winning the gold medal.
Alexei Tentiuc, gold medal at the ITF World Championship in Pyongyang, North Korea
In the summer of 2011 two brothers from Romania came to Moldova to learn Taekwon-do, and then start the ministry through sport in their locality. At the camp other students who came from Poland, Ukraine, United States and Armenia joined the training. They were intensively trained more than a month and passed the exam on the program of 10 and 9 kup.
Taekwon-Do training in camp in Moldova, summer 2011
Returning home, Laurentiu opened a group in Gherla (Romania) and his students began to study the Word of God and to practice TKD systematically and have passed the exam on a white belt 10 kup. In autumn, Sergiu Filat, an instructor of our club was sent to teach a seminar and make the examination of Laurențiu’s students. Laurentiu, wanting to develop the ministry in his area, in the summer of 2012 is planning to come to Moldova to continue intensive training in Taekwon-do and his friends are going to come with him, so that then they may begin a similar ministry in their localities. Thus, we saw an opportunity to spend a summer of intensive training for those who want to learn Taekwon-Do and sports ministry.
Taekwon-Do group in Gherla, Romania
Vision of TSMS
Our brothers and sisters in many countries, when they learn about the sports ministry in Moldova, ask us to send them instructors as missionaries. Knowing this ever-increasing need, the rich experience of ministry in Moldova, as well as the possibility that pupils and students have during the summer holidays, we start the Taekwon-Do Mission School in 2012, where we will intensively teach Taekwon-Do and the Word of God and thus, begin the process of training trainers who will organize sports clubs in their countries and regions and make disciples of Christ through quality sports training and inductive Bible studies. Students will come each summer for intensive training and will take 3 or 4 levels (Kup), that will teach in their own groups throughout the year.
Taekwon-Do training in Moldova, summer 2011
Training will be intensive within 2 months from the 25th of June and will end with an exam on August 25.
What do I need for admission?
Those who wish to enter this school must fill out a form on the site. The cost of education per student is $ 1300 and it includes lodging, food, training, study materials and equipment.
Who will teach?
The teachers of this school are experienced instructors of Taekwon-Do, owners of black belt 5th, 4th and 3rd dan, who have a big experience in training and work in the ministry of the Gospel, missionaries who are serving in other countries. Instructors are winners of many championships in Moldova, Europe, Eurasia and the World Cup.
Contact Information:
Phone: + (373) 69114681 + (373) 769966779