How to pray for the husband who went to war?


I’m from Romania and I am a Christian. I truly believe in the power of God and I try to pray every day. I am a sinful woman and although I am already old, I have many sins: I argued with my parents, I hated my mother-in-law and my brothers-in-law, I stole, etc. Now, my husband, whom I love with all my heart is gone to Afghanistan for a while and I am very afraid for his life. I want to know a few prayers that I could say to help him come back alive and healthy or anything else I can do. I pray everyday and I just want him return home safely. I do not know many prayers, but I read talisman and few prayers that I know and then I pray with my words. Can you help me with something, even a prayer said for my husband.

Soldat în Afganistan

You must be born again

I am glad to know that you love God and that you want to please Him in everything. It’s good that you understand the seriousness of your past sins, but it is not enough. You must be born again to become a true Christian and be able to enter the kingdom of God. When Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, the Savior told him:

Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)(NASB)

You must wholeheartedly believe in Jesus and decide to listen to Him fully in everything, doing only what is written in Scripture (the Bible). When you make this firm decision, get on your knees and pray. give a model of prayer below:

Holy and Almighty God, I come before You in the name of Jesus Christ and thank you that You love me, that You gave me life and You have kept it until today. I thank You that in Your love for me You sacrificed Your Son on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that through this sacrifice I may receive forgiveness of sins. Please, forgive all my sins and receive me to become Your child. I enter in the New Covenant with You today. Please, give me your Holy Spirit and help me to live in complete obedience to Thee for the rest of my life, and then to accept me in Your eternal kingdom. Be praised forever and ever. Amen.

After you pray this way and enter the New Covenant, your sins will be forgiven, and it is important to discipline yourself to study the Bible daily, pray daily and find a church where the Bible is preached and studied and where people live according to what is written in the Bible. It is important to go to ask forgiveness from those whom you have offended. And when you do this, tell them about the decision you took to enter into the New Covenant and to follow the Lord with all obedience and with your whole heart. To study the Bible deeply and interesting I recommend you to contact the Precept Ministries Association to buy exceptional inductive Bible study materials.

Do not read the talisman

Talismans are things that upset the face of God, because they are a kind of idol that people trust more than God. You must destroy that talisman so that it may never be a challenge to idolatry for anyone. God says such things should not be even mentioned in the midst of the Christians.

What can you do for your husband?

Always pray with faith that God will protect him. The way you pray, with your own words it is very good. When we pray, our faith matters the most to God. Then, as you study the Bible, pray with the words and truths learned from the Bible.

Because your husband is in a dangerous situation, it will be very good to fast for him a full day, with a total fast, not to eat or drink anything.

You have done well when you advised me to pray for your husband. Right now I stopped writing this post and I prayed for him that God would keep him from evil people, dangerous circumstances and evil influences and bring him home healthy and happy. I prayed for his salvation and if he has not yet entered into the New Covenant with Jesus, to do it as soon as possible to be born again and have the gift of eternal life.

Just as you have written me to pray, tell in the church to pray for your husband, ask your relatives, friends and all those who love him and will want to pray for your husband.

If your husband does not have a Bible, look for an opportunity to send him one, so that he may study it as well. Thus, he will learn how to pray and through God’s word he will receive much comfort, encouragement and protection.

God bless you and have a happy life with your husband.

Translated by Felicia Rotaru