The Ukrainian ministers of the Gospel studied the Book of Revelation

Revelation is the last of the 66 books of the Bible and has a prophetic message of great intensity and importance, telling us the last major events in human history and the beginning of the eternal kingdom of God. To understand the prophetic message of this book, it is necessary to acquire a good and thorough overview. This is the aim of the second course of four written by Kay Arthur and Precept Ministries International mission to study the book of Revelation.

Studierea Apocalipsa II la Kirilovka, Ukraina, 2009

During 21st – 30th of May 2009, I had the privilege to teach this course to 90 leaders of the teams of the 14 branches from Ukraine of the Inductive Bible Study Institute from Eurasia. There came key leaders from different cities, such as Kiev, Odessa, Rovno, Herson, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kamenka, Belaia Tserkovi, Mariupol, Sumi, Zaporizhie, Chernivtsi, Lutsc and others. Lia Alieva represented the branch from Inozemtzevo from Russia.

Studenţi Kirilovka, Ukraina, 2009, Apocalipsa II

Revelation second part course consists of 12 lessons. After the elementary overview of the first two lessons, students were asked to represent graphically the events of the book of Revelation from the next three lessons, this exercise was going to help them see better the order of the events and how they relate to each other. Some students created a true art performing that lesson.

Capitolele 8 şi 9 din Apocalipsa reprezentate grafic

After we have made a review of the current ministry in Ukraine, we were glad to see that at that time there were 332 students who were studying in those branches and they were teaching 2134 disciples from 88 localities. Pastors Ruslan and Oleg from Rovno plant churches using the inductive Bible study method groups. Now Ruslan takes care of organizing a festival for those 600–700 young people from his region, where they will study “Covenant” course.

Pastorii Ruslan şi Oleg din Rovno

Sergey Keradi is the representative of “Gideon” mission and the coordinator for the Bolgrad region. Together with other 3 leaders from their town they distribute the New Testament and teach people how to study the Holy Scriptures through the inductive method.

Serghei Keradi din Bolgrad

Igor from Belaia Tserkovi is missing a leg, but this did not prevent him to come to session and to motivate other key leaders of the region to participate in this session. We admire the effort that Igor and Oleg, his friend, made to acquire the material and to do all home tasks.

Igor şi Oleg din Belaia Ţerkovi

Leaders come to this session managed to organize last year 40 camps with 1960 participants who studied the Bible using the inductive method and for the summer of this year they planned another 53 camps for 3995 participants.

Taberele planificate de studenţii care au participat la sesiunea din Kirilovka

These leaders also planned to teach 109 seminars of Inductive Bible study to 9610 people from different localities of Ukraine.

Last day we had an easy exam, and at the end, because we were not far from the sea coast, we asked the groups from each branch of the institute to make a small reproduction from sand of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21 and I was surprised to see their creativity.

Noul Ierusalim facut din nisip de studenţii din Herson participanţi la sesiunea Apocalipsa II din Kirilovka, 2009

I thank a lot the owners of “Primorskaia” sanatorium, Alexander and Valentina Filipov, who made available to us all facilities and Valentina took care of us in the best way worthy of God.

valentina filipova discuta cu studenţii participanţi la sesiunea apocalipsa ii, kirilovka, mai 2009

I thank my teachers Mia and Costel Oglice, the directors of the Inductive Bible Study Institute from Eurasia, who have entrusted me to teach this session and during the 3rd – 13th of June they will teach the Book of Numbers in the same locality for the leaders involved in Christian camps ministry and next year, in May or June, they will teach the Revelation course (Part III) for the teams that have participated at this session.

Translated by Felicia Rotaru