A large number of people have experienced the efficiency of the EFNL (English for a New Life) method because they learned English quickly and thoroughly. It is already the 10th year since there have been organized EFNL camps within the EFNL school, where students intensively learn English based on biblical texts.
Through this message we notify all students of this school, all participants in the previous camps and everyone who wants to learn English quickly and effectively, that EFNL camp 2010 will take place during July 15-24, 2010 and we invite you to participate.
At this camp intermediate and advanced students will study “Marriage without regrets” course – a deep study about marriage that covers interesting topics such as: differences between men and women, the role of man, the role of woman, model man and woman, about submission, communication, what is love, divorce and remarriage, parenting, money management in family, etc. Participants will have a double win because they will learn English and also the profound truths of God’s Word, that will prepare them for marriage, or if you are married, it will improve the quality of life and family relations.
The beginners will learn the famous EFNL-1 course which is made up based on the Gospel of John, and many are those who have learned English well and quickly using this book.
Teachers from several cities in the United States of America who will come to teach English at this camp are now intensively preparing for it. We expect to have over 30 teachers who, together with the team of teachers from Moldova, will be able to devote sufficient time to each student.
Each year we are used to invite teachers from public schools and we are going to do the same this year, giving them the opportunity to study the “Marriage without regrets” course in English, Romanian and Russian. This course will be particularly useful for them in preparing interesting Educational Classes. Teachers will also be taught a course for beginners to use the computer.
Each year we had students from other countries and this year also, so far there were at the camp participants from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Romania and Belarus.
Because many athletes practicing Taekwon-Do, Soccer and TaeBo have registered at this camp, the participants will be able to practice one of these sports during the camp time.
For registration and additional information contact Valentina Stepaniuc on the phone + (373) -67-133091.
I encourage readers of the portal that have participated at the EFNL camps previous year to write their impressions at the comments.
Translated by Felicia Rotaru